INTRODUCTION In this room you will enumerate a Windows machine, gain initial access with Metasploit, use Powershell to further enumerate the machine and escalate your…
What is key 1? Start with basic nmap scan: Looking at the web page, there wasn’t anything immediately interesting. Let’s use gobuster to see if…
01 – OPEN FOR BUSINESS Deploy the VM attached to this task to get started! You can access this machine by using your browser-based machine,…
1 – Can you decode the following? VEhNe2p1NTdfZDNjMGQzXzdoM19iNDUzfQ== echo VEhNe2p1NTdfZDNjMGQzXzdoM19iNDUzfQ== | base64 -d THM{ju57_d3c0d3_7h3_b453} 2 – Meta meta. Meta! meta! meta! meta…………………………….. I’m hungry, I…
Task 1 – Get Connected Deploy the machine Task 2 – Understanding Privesc What does “privilege escalation” mean? At it’s core, Privilege Escalation usually involves…
RECON Scan the machine. How many ports are open with a port number under 1000? 3 What is this machine vulnerable to? (Answer in the…
ACTIVATING FORWARD SCANNERS AND LAUNCH PROTON TORPEDOS: Now that we’ve launched our target, let’s perform some basic enumeration of the services running on it! sudo…
Scan the machine with nmap, how many ports are open? nmap -sV > 7 open ports Enumerating Samba for shares: Using nmap we…
Find open ports on the machine: Kick off an nmap scan of all ports… While that is running, lets explore in the browser… Well, we…